VIZAR 2003

Тема: Европейски архитектурни награди
Дати на провеждане: 10-16 Ноември 2003


1. проф. Ивайло Знеполски – Bulgaria, chairman of the jury, Senator in the European Cultural Parliament 9. arch. Zygmynd Knyschewsky – France, Member of the National Chamber of the French Order of architects
2. Karl Erik Norrman – Sweeden, General Secretary of the European Cultural Parliament 10. arch. Tanko Serafimov – Bulgaria, Chairman of the Union of the Architects in Bulgaria
3. arch. Paul de Vroom – Holland, Professor of architecture in Universities in Amsterdam and Rotterdam 11. arch. Nikola Karadimov – Bulgaria, Secretary of the Foreign Politic of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria
4. arch. Andrew Yeoman – Great Britain, Member of the Royal Architectural Institute of Great Britain 12. prof. arch. Todor Krastev – Bulgaria, Chairman of “ICOMUS” - Bulgaria
5. arch. Toni Peltola – Finland, Member of the European Cultural Parliament 13. arch. Mihail Rilski – Bulgaria, Principal of the Architectural Faculty in UASG
6. arch. Jaque Canal – France, Member of the National Chamber of the French Order of architects 14. Boris Danailov – Bulgaria, Head of the National Art Gallery
7. arch. Helle Juul – Danmark, Professor of architecture in Universities in New York, Melbourne and Stockholm 15. arch. Boyko Kadinov – Bulgaria, Member of the European Cultural Parliament, Chairman of the “VIZAR” Comity
8. arch. Eugene Asse – Russia, Member of the European Cultural Parliament

Лауреати Vizar 2003