VIZAR are European awards for Bulgarian architecture, established with the support of the European Cultural Parliament.
VIZAR is a competitive exhibition for projects and realizations of Bulgarian architects working all over the world.
VIZAR (visions for architecture, visions for art, "visas" for architecture) is a biennial.
The projects are exhibited in the halls of the National Fine Arts Gallery in Sofia. The international jury comprising of renowned architects, culturologues and people of art evaluate the works and give the awards to the winners of VIZAR at a special ceremony.
VIZAR aims at examining and evaluating the qualities of the contemporary Bulgarian architecture through the prism of the European cultural space.
VIZAR aspires to illuminate the work of Bulgarian architects working not only in Bulgaria but all around the world - in France, Great Britain, USA, Israel, the South African Republic, etc.
VIZAR opts for drawing the public attention to significant topics: "Architecture of the transition", "The first skyscraper", etc.
VIZAR aims at:
- creating an organic liaison among art and architecture.
- supporting the studies of talented young people in the fields of architecture, culture and art.
- creating a superior school for contemporary art, culture and architecture, providing programmers for Ph.D. students and other specialized postgraduate studies.
- creating a real and virtual museum for contemporary architecture and art.
The foundation of the VIZAR Foundation was launched in 2003 by prof. arch. Boyko Kadinov DSc, prof. Ivaylo Znepopski DSc and asst. prof. Georgi Lozanov.
prof. Ivaylo Znepolski
Former Minister of Culture
Director of the Human and Social Studies Home
Head of the Sofia Scientific Forum “Sofia Dialogues”
prof. arch. Boyko Kadinov DSc
Studied architecture in Paris /BEAUX ARTS - UP1/ and Sofia University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy.
Exhibitions, projects and lectures in London, Geneva, Paris, Rome, Lisbon, Toulouse, Brussels, Moscow, Stockholm, Barcelona and elsewhere.
Member of France's Chamber of Architects.
Founder of the Kadinovi Bros Architectural Agency.
Professor, Doctor of Architecture, Head of the Public Buildings Department at the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia.
Author of “Public Buildings”, “The Ten Commandments of Architecture”, “Transgressions in Architecture”, “Architecture and Media” and “Architectural Sculars”.
Independent Expert, the EU's Mies van der Rohe Award for Contemporary Architecture.
Vice President of COBATY 11, Geneva.
Chairman of the VIZAR Foundation, European Prizes for Bulgarian Architecture.
Member of the European Cultural Parliament.

asst. prof. Georgi Lozanov
Georgi Lozanov was born on April 26, 1958 in a family of architects. He is a media expert, publicist and art critic, associate professor at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, where he reads lectures on Culture Theory, Media Publicity, Text and Vision and Press Photography. He is Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Culture Newspaper and host of the commentary program “Unusual Suspects” broadcasted by Bulgaria on Air Television.
He had been in charge of Printing and Publishing Department at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, member and long-standing chairman of the national media regulator (former National Council for Ratio and Television, now Council for Electronic Media), chairman of the Bulgarian Media Coalition board, founder and manager of the Media Democracy Foundation, chairman of the board of trustees of Soros Center for Contemporary Art, editor-in-chief of Egoist Magazine.
He is the author of the books “The One I Should Have Been” (2010), “Plastics and Readings” (2010), “My Right” (2011), “Emil Stoychev” (2015), “Pavel Koychev” (2016), as well as compiler and author of the collections “Media and Myths” (2000), “Media and Transition” (2000), “The Newspaper” (2001), “The Leader” (2002), “BTV: The New Vision” (2008), “Refugees and Media” (2009), “Media and Politics” (2001), “Unsuccessful Separation” (2013), “BG Advertisement” (2014), and others. Hundreds of scientific papers and monographs and thousands of journalistic and critical materials have been published under his pen. He is the scriptwriter of the Exupery’s The Little Prince movie (2009), as well as of the full featured documentary movie about the political transition in the country – “Bulgaria Is One Big Mistake Too" (2014).